As a Clipper Race Team Partner, Our Isles and Oceans will compete against 10 other yachts in the Clipper 2023-24 Race. If your business or organisation wants to become part of Our Isles and Oceans, please get in touch at as we are currently looking for commercial supporters to come and join our team and to benefit from the global business networking and opportunities that the Clipper Race provides.

‘Let the world see your brand from a different perspective’

Clipper Round the World Yacht Race
The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is our key partner making the sailing side to the Our Isles and Oceans programme possible. The Clipper Race is one of the biggest challenges in the world, where those who take part have to opportunity to circumnavigate 40,000 nautical miles around the world. Through this partnership with the Clipper Race, some of the Our Isles and Oceans Ambassadors will receive the opportunity to be apart of this amazing race, as well as receiving training from some of the best sailors in the world over the five days they spend with us on the West Coast of Scotland.

UNA Climate and Oceans
The United Nations Climate and Oceans group are one of our partners in our drive for ocean sustainability. Through this partnership, we hope to put forward the message of the importance of sustaining our oceans and doing so through continuously creating new ways in which sport and sailing can become more sustainable.

The Scottish Association for Marine Science are another one of our partners in the movement towards ocean sustainability. SAMS provide the Our Isles and Oceans Ambassadors with knowledge about the oceans and steps we can all take on an individual level to work towards sustainability. Our Ambassadors are currently working alongside SAMS on a project to document the life and biology of the West Coast of Scotland so that during our sailing programmes, they can learn more and become part of the solution and education around our oceans.

ArdMoor are our commercial partners who produce outdoor wear for a wide range of sports and activities. ArdMoor has the right country wear for every occasion, including the very best shooting, equestrian, sailing & fishing clothing and equipment. If you are interested in becoming a commercial partner, please get in touch with us through our email.

BID4Oban is a Business Improvement District (BID) – a proven business-led initiative, supported by legislation, where businesses in the Oban region work together and invest collectively in local improvements to the business environment.

Snap Innovations Inc.
Based in Halifax, Canada, Snap Innovations Inc. is the commercial arm of Enginuity Inc., a creative engineering and product development team solving complex problems in harsh environments.

GRM Marketing
GRM Marketing is a Marketing and Communications Agency that coordinates the Our Isles and Oceans organisation and programmes. Based in Glasgow, GRM is passionate about creating value and making sport available to everyone.

Argyll and Bute Council
Argyll and Bute Council governs the region in which Our Isles and Oceans has run the Summer 2021 and Spring 2022 programmes on Scotland’s West Coast and Isles. Argyll and Bute Council have been supportive of Our Isles and Oceans and helps ensure our operations run smoothly on land.

To apply to become an Our Isles and Oceans Ambassador, and to benefit from our programme, please sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know when applications open in early 2022.